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Remove error message and launch correct editor in Git

I'm using Git on Windows 7 and Sublime Text 2 as my editor.

In .gitconfig, there is this line: editor = subl -n -w

That is an incorrect entry, because I had tried to set Sublime Text as the editor for Git by using the command git config --global core.editor "subl -n -w" as described here .

but, in haste, I had not read the full instructions and didn't notice that I needed to have installed subl first. Also, this only works on a Mac!

On top of that I had mistyped the command as subi -n -w

So now, when I do:

git config --global --edit

I get the error:

error: There was a problem with the editor 'subi -n -w'

I assume that's because I had previously mistakenly mistyped the command (see above)

So then I tried setting the editor with:

git config --global core.editor "'c:/program files/sublime text 2/sublime_text.exe' -w"

as recommended here , which inserts the following line in .gitconfig :

editor = 'c:/program files/sublime text 2/sublime_text.exe' -w

I have also tried manually editing that line to:

editor = C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text.exe -w

but I still get the error when doing git commit or git config --global --edit

I have tried to use unset:

git config --global --unset-all core.editor

and then re-input Sublime Text as the editor (manually and using command line). I still get the error message and Sublime Text is not launched (for git commit). How do I get rid of the error message and successfully launch Sublime Text as the editor?

Is it possible that, during your numerous attempts to get the original mistake corrected, you inserted an offending (non-printable) character in the .gitconfig file?

One thing I might try is:

  1. Create a new git repository in a dummy directory
  2. View/Copy the .gitconfig from that project into your current project
  3. Edit the .gitconfig with the correct path/filename to execute Sublime

I do not profess to know this is the solution. It is just a creative approach to solving your problem.

Please report your results for others who may stumble across this in the future (it may very well even be ME! < smile >).

I solved this by opening up the config in the project directory and spotting that the following line was in there:

editor = subi -n -w

(ie the erroneous line)

I simply removed it and problem solved, ie Sublime Text now responds to the system wide .gitconfig line:

editor = 'C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text.exe' -w`

I hadn't quite understood local project configuration, so thanks to @Thom Parkin for leading me on a path to the solution

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