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pandoc document conversion error in rmarkdown

I just updated RStudio from 0.98.1028 to 0.98.1074 (latest as of today) and started hitting the error below ( RStudio support forum ) on a knit-to-HTML script which worked previously. It seems like this may be due to caching, but I have opts_chunk$set(cache=F) at the beginning of my .Rmd.

pandoc: Could not find data file templates/default.html
Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 97
Execution halted

Other possibly relevant items:

  • I'm using knitrBootstrap v1.0.0
  • I'm on Ubuntu
  • The analysis outputs graphics in ggplot and kable form, but the error remained when commenting those out

could you post this issue on https://github.com/jimhester/knitrBootstrap/issues along with the results of devtools::session_info() I can help you debug what is going on then. Thanks!

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