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Javascript innerhtml doesn't work with twig tags

I have a function in twig which selects some values from db and displays a selectbox. I am trying to change the content of the div. The problem is that with innerHTML {{ creates a new line without quote and this is shown like error. It doesnt get the select box because it doesn't have quotes.

$(document).ready(function() {
               $type = $("select[name='dtl[USER_TYPE]']");

               $type.change(function() {

                   if ($(this).val() == "AUTOR") {
                       var content = '{{ mm.select(holdersdata, data.USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD, 'dtl[USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD]')  }}';
                       document.getElementById("kodi").innerHTML = '"'+ content + '"';


<select data-placeholder="{{ translate('ZGJIDH_NJE') }}" name="{{ name }}" class="form-control input-sm chosen-select">
        <option {% if not options.allowNull %}disabled{% endif %} selected value>{{ translate('ZGJIDH_NJE') }}</option>
        {% for f in dataset %}
            <option value="{{ f[kodField] }}" {% if f[kodField] | trim == selectedVal %}selected{% endif %}>
                {% if f[labelField] %}
                    {{ f[labelField] }} {% if f[kodField] %}&mdash; ({{ f[kodField] }}){% endif %}
                {% else %}
                    {{ f[kodField] }}
                {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

EDIT this is shown in console. {{ creates a new line without quotes:

 var content = "        
    <select data-placeholder="Zgjidh nje..." name="dtl[USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD]" class="form-control input-sm chosen-select">
        <option disabled selected value>Zgjidh nje...</option>

The problem is that your twig syntax is breaking the javascript syntax. See below, just change the ' to "

               if ($(this).val() == "AUTOR") {
                   var content = '{{ mm.select(holdersdata, data.USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD, 'dtl[USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD]')  }}';
                   document.getElementById("kodi").innerHTML = '"'+ content + '"';

Correct code :

           if ($(this).val() == "AUTOR") {
               var content = "{{ mm.select(holdersdata, data.USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD, 'dtl[USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD]')  }}";
               document.getElementById("kodi").innerHTML = '"'+ content + '"';

Due to the contents of your output JS is breaking as well. U can solve this by extending twig :

$filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('escape_for_js', function ($string) {
    $needles= array(
    $replaces = array(
    return str_replace($needles, $replaces, $string);

Add this filter into twig :

$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);

Using this filter :

var content = "{{ mm.select(holdersdata, data.USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD, 'dtl[USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD]') | escape_for_js }}";

More about extending twig here

No need to extend Twig yourself. Just use json_encode :

var content = {{ mm.select(holdersdata, data.USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD, 'dtl[USER_TYPE_OBJECT_KOD]') | json_encode }};

Notice the lack of quotes. json_encode will add them for you.

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