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How to use <ui:repeat> tag inside datalist: primefaces mobile?

Sorry im just a beginner both in english and primefaces mobile.

I want to use ui:repeat within a datalist to do something like:

<p:dataList id="data" var="tache" value="#{affect.listeDesTaches}">
                       <p:panel id="basic" header="Taches n° #{tache.idTache}"  style="padding-bottom:40px">
                            <ui:repeat id="etapesId" var="etapes" value="#{taches.liste}" >

                               <p:panelGrid columns="6">

                                    <p:commandButton value="#{etapes.idEtape}"  type="button"/>
                                    <p:commandButton value="#{etapes.name}" type="button"/>
                                    <p:commandButton value="#{etapes.description}" type="button"/>
                                    <p:commandButton value="#{etapes.dimension}" type="button"/>
                                    <p:commandButton value="#{etapes.tempsFab}" type="button"/>
                                    <p:commandButton value="#{etapes.reste}" type="button"/>


but it not working in primefaces mobile.I have no error message and all the information in the interior of "ui-repeat" are not displayed. please help. PS: i'm using primefaces mobile 0.9.4 and primefaces 5.0

there is a typo. please use value="#{tache.liste}" instead of value="#{taches.liste}" .

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