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Segue From Custom UIView which is alertview to UIViewController

I have a button on UIViewController on click of that button an UIview gets poped up like alertview which has tableview in it.Now on selection of table cell i would like to segue to the detail viewcontroller

Here's the link to which i refered but none of them worked for me

For alertview i have used ( https://github.com/kwent/ios-custom-alertview )


@yar1vn's answer is right, however, I'll describe more precisely what you need to do.

Custom alert view from your link has a delegate property, which should conform to protocol

@protocol CustomIOS7AlertViewDelegate

- (void)customIOS7dialogButtonTouchUpInside:(id)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex;


that means you should implement this method in your UIViewController.

in .h file:

@interface YourViewController : UIViewController <YourViewController>



in .m file:

@implementation YourViewController


- (void)customIOS7dialogButtonTouchUpInside:(id)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
    [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"YourSegue" sender:nil];

and set the delegate when creating alertView:

[alertView setDelegate:self];

@"YourSegue" is the segue from the controller which shows alertView to the detail view controller.

I disagree that you should use UIAlertController, since if your deployment target is iOS 7 (which is reasonable) you should not use new features of iOS 8


if you want to launch segue from tap on table view cell, you should call [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"YourSegue" sender:nil] from tableView's delegate method -tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:

I assume you have set current view controller as tableView's dataSource and delegate, so add to your view controller

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"YourSegue" sender:nil];


though setting the UIView as delegate is not the best approach, we can handle it :)

I see two solutions:

the first is to add the controller as the property to your view like this:

@interface YourView : UIView <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>

@property (nonatomic, weak) YourViewController *parentController;


somewhere (probably, in -viewDidLoad ) you set this property as

youViewInstance.parentController = self;

and the in view's delegate method call

[self.parentController performSegueWithIdentifier:@"YouSegue" sender:nil]

the second one is to simply set the controller as tableView's delegate and call performSegue: from its method. And you should describe all details more completely :)

You shouldn't use 3rd party AlertViews anymore. You can use the AlertController provided with iOS 8 SDK.

I don't know how this AlertView works but the readme mentions a delegate. Did you try calling the segue from the delegate method?

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