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How do I unbind this piece of jquery?

My Shopify store uses Ajax call's to add products to the cart and jQuery to update the front-end. I recently installed infinite-ajax-scroll but this brought some issues.

When scrolling down to the products loaded by infinite-ajax-scroll, and then click on the add to cart button, the ajax calls & jQuery updates don't work anymore, it redirects me to the cart page.

I solved this by reinitialising the piece of jQuery code that "ajaxifies" the shop using infinite-ajax-scroll's rendered event.

But now when scrolling down to the 20 new products loaded by infinite-ajax-scroll, ajaxifyShopify get's initialized for the second time on the first 20 products. When adding one of the first 20 products to the cart, they get added twice.

I tried unbinding the first ajaxifyShopify with jQuery's .off() but it doesn't work.

The complete code for ajaxifyShopify can be found on line 261 here . Every time a new page loads, ajaxifyShopify get's initialized to "ajaxify" the page.

Here's my code:

jQuery(function($) {
    method: '{{ settings.ajax_cart_method }}',
    wrapperClass: 'wrapper',
    formSelector: '#addToCartForm',
    addToCartSelector: '#addToCart',
    cartCountSelector: '#cartCount',
    toggleCartButton: '.cart-toggle',
    useCartTemplate: true,
    btnClass: 'btn',
    moneyFormat: {{ shop.money_format | json }},
    disableAjaxCart: false,
    enableQtySelectors: true

console.log('ajaxifyShopify initialized for the first time');

var ias = jQuery.ias({
  container:  '#products',
  item:       '.single-product',
  pagination: '.pagination-custom',
  next:       '.next'

ias.extension(new IASSpinnerExtension({
  src: '{{ "spiffygif_36x36.gif" | asset_url }}'

ias.on('rendered', function(data, items) {
  console.log('ias rendered');

  // Unbind ajaxifyShopify
  console.log('ajaxifyShopify off');

  // Initialize ajaxifyShopify
  jQuery(function($) {
      method: '{{ settings.ajax_cart_method }}',
      wrapperClass: 'wrapper',
      formSelector: '#addToCartForm',
      addToCartSelector: '#addToCart',
      cartCountSelector: '#cartCount',
      toggleCartButton: '.cart-toggle',
      useCartTemplate: true,
      btnClass: 'btn',
      moneyFormat: {{ shop.money_format | json }},
      disableAjaxCart: false,
      enableQtySelectors: true

    console.log('ajaxifyShopify initialized from ias');

You can take a look at the page in question here .

What am I doing wrong?

I solved this by unbinding each individual event handler binded by ajaxifyShopify .

For those interested, here's the code:

  jQuery(function($) {
      method: '{{ settings.ajax_cart_method }}',
      wrapperClass: 'wrapper',
      formSelector: '#addToCartForm',
      addToCartSelector: '#addToCart',
      cartCountSelector: '#cartCount',
      toggleCartButton: '.cart-toggle',
      useCartTemplate: true,
      btnClass: 'btn',
      moneyFormat: {{ shop.money_format | json }},
      disableAjaxCart: false,
      enableQtySelectors: true

  console.log('ajaxifyShopify initialized for the first time');

  var ias = jQuery.ias({
    container:  '#products',
    item:       '.single-product',
    pagination: '.pagination-custom',
    next:       '.next'

  ias.extension(new IASSpinnerExtension({
    src: '{{ "spiffygif_36x36.gif" | asset_url }}'

  ias.on('rendered', function(data, items) {
    console.log('ias rendered event');

    // Unbind previous ajaxifyShopify event handlers
    console.log('ajaxifyShopify off from ias rendered event');

    // Initialize ajaxifyShopify
    jQuery(function($) {
          method: '{{ settings.ajax_cart_method }}',
          wrapperClass: 'wrapper',
          formSelector: '#addToCartForm',
          addToCartSelector: '#addToCart',
          cartCountSelector: '#cartCount',
          toggleCartButton: '.cart-toggle',
          useCartTemplate: true,
          btnClass: 'btn',
          moneyFormat: {{ shop.money_format | json }},
          disableAjaxCart: false,
          enableQtySelectors: true

      console.log('ajaxifyShopify initialized from ias rendered event');

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