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How to update two different React component instances that represent the same data?

Say I've defined a <Tag> component that has two props: id and name . My application renders this component in two different places, so I have a <Tag> component whose id is 1 appearing twice, but whose owners are different. One tag is owned by an <Entries> component, and the other is owned by a <Tags> component.

When a <Tag> is clicked, I want to change its state, and I want all other <Tag> components with the same id to also change their state so that they match. What's the best way to do this? Should all <Tags> have the same root component? I don't like that idea, because I feel like it's a brittle solution.

I think you have two options to go:

1- React way

  • You should keep the state in a common owner component of <Tags> and <Entries> .
  • You should pass a change handler from the state owner component to the <Tag> component
  • When the tag changes the state owner will update <Tag> s in both <Tags> and <Entries>

  • Reading this should give you a lot of insight: http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/thinking-in-react.html

2- Pure Flux way

  • If your application is a little more complex than what you have told you can go with flux architecture.
  • To do this you should have actions,dispatchers and stores implemented in your application.
  • When a <Tag> is changed you call an action, which in turn calls a dispatcher, which is in turn listened by stores, which in turn emits a change event to components. Then all the components updates themselves with the new state.

  • You can find about flux here: http://facebook.github.io/flux/docs/overview.html

id's should generally be unique within an html document. The best solution would be to change your id's to classes.

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