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unwrap and wrap a li element with a tag

I'm trying to wrap two list elements with an a tag. By default only one list again has the a tag. When that element is clicked I want to remove the a tag from the clicked element the add it the other listed element. Then when the second element will be clicked do the same thing. I used these follwoing two functiosn that work if they are in different html document but when I put them together. Only one works. Any help?

var pTags = $( "#ab" );
var pTags1 = $("#cd");

$( "#xx" ).click(function()
if ( pTags1.parent().is( "a" ) ) 
pTags.wrap( "<a href='#' id='xv'></a>" );
$( "#xv" ).click(function()
if ( pTags.parent().is( "a" ) ) 
pTags1.wrap( "<a href='#' id='xx'></a>" );

<!doctype html>

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>unwrap demo</title>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"
<li id="ab">Hello</li>
<a href="#" id="xx"><li id="cd">cruel</li></a>


var pTags = $( "#ab" );
var pTags1 = $("#cd");

$( "#xx" ).click(function()
if ( pTags1.parent().is( "a" ) ) 
pTags.wrap( "<a href='#' id='xv'></a>" );
$( "#xv" ).click(function()
if ( pTags.parent().is( "a" ) ) 
pTags1.wrap( "<a href='#' id='xx'></a>" );

first off your html is invalid li should be a direct child of a ul or ol .

u need to use the on event handler becuase when the second element is wrapped the click event won't attach to it.

<span id="ab">Hello</span>
<a href="#" class="clickable" id="xx"><span id="cd">cruel</span></a>
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $(document).on('click', 'a.clickable', function () {
            var id = $(this).attr('id');
            $('span', this).unwrap();

            if (id == 'xx') {
                $('#ab').wrap("<a href='#' class='clickable' id='xv'></a>");
            else if (id == 'xv')
                $('#cd').wrap("<a href='#' class='clickable' id='xx'></a>");


this is just a sample and there are better ways of doing it, if you be clear about what you want to do ?

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