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Losing leading zero, how to keep number format

I have code creates new sheets naming them by their project numbers (eg, PRJ_123456, PRJ_654654). The first chunk of code here works wonderfully. My problem is that some projects have 5 digits, instead of 6. In the second piece of code, when I pull the project number it causes problems for things I try to do. I have tried many ways of retaining the leading zero for five digit project numbers, but it does not do so when creating the spreadsheet.

 Sub Pop()

  Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)

  If (Sheets("Program").Range("C3").Value) = ActiveCell.Value Then
        Dim PRJNumber
        PRJNumber = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)
        'PRJNumber.NumberFormat = "000000"
        MsgBox (PRJNumber)

        Sheets("Template_PRJ").Copy Before:=Sheets(2) 
        Sheets("Template_PRJ (2)").Select

        Dim SheetPRJName
        SheetPRJName = "PRJ_" & PRJNumber
        Sheets("Template_PRJ (2)").Name = SheetPRJName 
  end if
  end sub

This is what I try to do later

For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

If ((Left(wks.Name, 3) = "PRJ")) Then

    PRJNumber = Right(wks.Name, 6)
    'MsgBox (prjNumber)

  1. Make sure to DIM your PRJNumber variable as a string since that's what we are dealing with.
  2. When the value comes through, if it's 5 characters instead of 6 append a 0. After you assign PRJNumber use: If len(PRJNumber) = 5 then PRJNumber = "0" & PRJNumber

Since you are appending "PRJ_" on the front of it for the sheet name, then should be good to go from here.

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