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LINQ group List<object> on baseclass attribute

I got a List where I place instances of subclasses from a superclass.

Code for my classes:

public abstract class Vehicle : IComparable< Vehicle >, IComparable 
    public string Manufacture{get;set}
    public Int16 VehicleID{get;set}
    public DateTime ProductionDate{get;set}

    public Vehicle(Int16 _ Vehicle ID,DateTime _ProductionDate)
        this.AccidentID = _ AccidentID;
        this.ProductionDate = _ProductionDate;

    int IComparable.CompareTo(object other) 
        return CompareTo((Vehicle)other);
    public int CompareTo(Vehicle other)
        return this.ProductionDate.CompareTo(other.ProductionDate);

    public Vehicle()

public class Car : Vehicle
    public Car ()

    public Car (Int16 _VehicleID,DateTime _ProductionDate, Int16 _CarAttribute1, Int16 _CarAttribute2):base(_Vehicle ID,_ProductionDate)
        this.AccidentID = _ AccidentID;
        this.ProductionDate = _ProductionDate;
        this.CarAttribute1 = _CarAttribute1
        this.CarAttribute2 = _CarAttribute2

    public Int16 CarAttribute1{ get; set;}
    public Int16 CarAttribute2{ get; set;}

public class MotorCycle : Vehicle
    public MotorCycle ()

    public MotorCycle (Int16 _VehicleID,DateTime _ProductionDate, Int16 _MotorCycleAttribute1, Int16 _MotorCycleAttribute2):base(_Vehicle ID,_ProductionDate)
        this.AccidentID = _ AccidentID;
        this.ProductionDate = _ProductionDate;
        this.MotorCycleAttribute1 = _MotorCycleAttribute1
        this.MotorCycleAttribute2 = _MotorCycleAttribute2

    public Int16 MotorCycleAttribute1{ get; set;}
    public Int16 MotorCycleAttribute2{ get; set;}

I want to be able to group these instances based on an attribute in my base class, ie Manufacture.

public class Grouping<K, T> : ObservableCollection<T>
    public K Key { get; private set; }

    public Grouping(K key, IEnumerable<T> items)
        Key = key;
        foreach (var item in items)

something like

var sorted = item in allVehicles //including cars and motorcycles
    orderby item.Manufacture
    group item by item.Manufacture into vehicleGroup
    select new Grouping<string, object>(vehicleGroup.Key, vehicleGroup);

Any suggestions are appreciated :)

What are you interested for?

1. Get all from one type

Are you only interessted in getting eg Cars? Then add at the begin to your linq statement following condition:


(Thanks to Stephen Kennedy, its more simple then "Where(one => one is Car).Cast()")

2. Get types grouped

Or do you want to get all types grouped? Then use

var list = allVehicles.GroupBy(t => t.GetType());


ILookup<Type, Vehicle> group = allVehicles.ToLookup(x => x.GetType());

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