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What does “%d ->” in printf mean?

I was skimming through this but in line 114 it is written printf("%d -> ", t->value); what I ask is, what does "%d -> mean? Is it a typo or something else?


struct btnode {
    int value;
    struct btnode * l;
    struct btnode * r;
} * root = NULL, * temp = NULL, * t2, * t1;

void inorder(struct btnode * t) {
    if (root == NULL) {
        printf("No elements in a tree to display");
    if (t->l != NULL)
    printf("%d -> ", t->value);
    if (t->r != NULL)

It's nothing special, just a normal format string.

printf("%d -> ", 42);


42 -> 

It means that this piece of code will print the value of t->value in decimal followed by the characters -> . Nothing special, just an ordinary printf

The %d indicates to print a int as described later in the method( t->value ). The -> portion is simply printing -> .

It simply prints a number (%d) followed by an ASCII arrow ->. There's no error.

It is of no special meaning

Since you are using the binary tree concept, to illustrate that the elements are together with the link 在一起

Suppose you have a binary tree already constructed like this one:
              /  \
             10  30
            / \    \
           5  13    35

if you traverse the tree in IN-ORDER then the below printf would print like this:

printf("%d -> ", t->value); 

5 -> 10 -> 13 -> 15 -> 30 -> 35 

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