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Wordpress Custom Post Type Not Showing In Admin Menu

I am currently in a wordpress customisation project. I have a number of custom post types.One of my post types named "front_casestudy_slider" is not showing in the admin menu.I am registering the post type and the register function is called.(Tested this).But the post type is still not showing in admin menu.Why is this happening.Any fix ?. Please find the functions.php in this link

The function


is used to register the post type

First, there's an error because of exceeded character length:

Notice: register_post_type was called <strong>incorrectly</strong>.
Post types cannot exceed 20 characters in length

Also, these lines are unnecessary

global $post_types;
array_push($post_types, 'front_casestudy_slider');

and also throw an error

array_push() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given

Tip: Turn on WP_DEBUG while developing!

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