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save sonata media path into twig variable

I want to store full path of image (sonata media bundle) into variable in twig. Is that possible?

If I write:

{% set pic = path item.image, 'big' %}

it throws me an error: Unexpected token "name" of value "item" ("end of statement block" expected) ...

If I write:

{% set pic = item.image %}

then it works, but it stores only name of the file, not full path.

Why don't you do like this ?

{% set rendered %}{% path item.image, 'big' %}{% endset %}
Here is my path {{ rendered }}

There is not such a function available (there is a path() function to generate routes). You have to create your own twig extension with this custom function. Read all about that in the documentation .


<img src="{% path media, 'small' %}" data-href="{% path media, 'big' %}">

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