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foundation orbit slider stop

i am using foundation 5.4.5 and have a page with four working orbits. I'm trying to stop them from sliding automatically when the page is run. I've tried to change the settings in the foundation.orbit.js file (timer= false and timer_speed=0) and also tried to use in my script js file what suggested by foundation and by the answers here:

$(document).foundation('orbit', {
timer: false,    
timer_speed: 0

Is there a bug in this version or am i missing something?


Nevermind. Had a read through foundation forum and it seems to be a known issue. Orbit has been deprecated and probably won't be included in the next version so i moved to slick carousel as suggested on foundation's website. works great and takes 5 mins to implement

Using data-attributes is the preferred method of making changes to our Javascript

<ul data-orbit data-options="timer:false;">

data-options="timer:false;" will stop your slider sliding automatically.

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