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C# Powershell runspace available across methods

Quick question regarding Powershell invokes within C#

I'd like to be able to ask C# to load a powershell module in a separate method, then run Powershell commands in another method.

Currently from my (limited) knowledge of invoking PS in C#, it looks like I cant access the powershell instance from another method - is this correct?

Code example below. I'm looking into usind runspaces, but did not want to burn too much time researching this either.

Any help in best way to access a powershell instance (with module loaded) from other methods within a class would be really appreciated.

namespace Test
    public class Test

    public void loadModule()
       using (PowerShell PowershellInstance = PowerShell.Create())
            PowershellInstance.AddScript("Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core");
            if (PowershellInstance.Streams.Error.Count > 0)
                infoBox.Text = "Error loading snapin";
                infoBox.Text = "Loaded";


     public void someOtherMethod()
           //do some more powershell - without loading module

Depending on how you implemented this with a class variable, you'll probably also want to implement IDisposable to cleanup your PowerShell reference. Otherwise you won't free up all memory\\resources properly.

Something like this:

    public class Test : IDisposable
        private bool disposed;
        private PowerShell ps;

        public Test()
            disposed = false;
            ps = PowerShell.Create();

        public void loadModule()
              .AddParameter("Name", "VMware.VimAutomation.Core")

            if (ps.HadErrors)
                infoBox.Text = "Error loading snapin";
                infoBox.Text = "Loaded";


        public void someOtherMethod()
            //do some more powershell - without loading module


        public void Dispose()

        private void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposed)
                disposed = true;
                if (disposing)
                    if (ps != null)
                        ps = null;

Note that you can use ps.HadErrors instead of checking the errors stream.

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