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Wordpress include php file

I am trying to create a php website on WordPress for the first time.

When I create a page, it creates a permalink which is of the form http://localhost/?p=123 . I don't know if there is a corresponding file.


I've installed insert-php plugin to read php code. It works fine on a static page. But how do I include another php file? I want to include my_utilities which contains all the back-end functions, in login . It has a permalink 'http://localhost/?page_id=45' .

What to do?

include 'http://localhost/?page_id=45' doesn't work.

Pages you define in WordPress's backend are pages mostly setup for your users to view / read. They, by default, have this URL structure of http://localhost/?p=123 (though this can be changed, but that's a whole different lesson).

To include a script file, upload the file to your folder structure where you have your website then refer to it in your include statement as follows:


EDIT : You may also want to have a look into WordPress Page Templates :

Pages are one of WordPress's built-in Post Types. You'll probably want most of your website Pages to look about the same. Sometimes, though, you may need a specific Page, or a group of Pages, to display or behave differently. This is easily accomplished with Page Templates.

For exapmle your wordpress file is at


To include the test.php file in your wordpress page you have to following.

[insert_php] include('wp-content/myphpfiles/test.php'); [/insert_php]

Thats it.

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