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How do I route sub domains in Node.js without Express?

Answers to this question explain how to route sub domains in Node.js with Express.

I want to know how to do it without Express.

Here's my server module, which returns a server object:

module.exports.serve = function(port) {
    var server = https.createServer(options, function(req, res) {

        // Parse & process URL
        var reqInfo = url.parse(req.url, true, true), 
            path    = reqInfo.pathname;
        debug.log("Client [" +  req.connection.remoteAddress + 
                "]requesting resource: " + path);

        // Quickly handle preloaded requests
        if (preloaded[path])
            preloadReqHandler(req, res, preloaded[path], path);

        // Handle general requests
        else generalReqHandler(req, res, reqInfo);
    return server;

No need to go into detail with the modules that handle the requests, I'm just interested in how to detect www.example.com and route it to example.com or vice-versa, via my server.

Just to add as much detail as possible, my goal here is to route all traffic from http://www.example.com and http://example.com and https://www.example.com and send it all to https://example.com . To do that, I think I just need to learn how to route the www sub domain, and then listen on both the http and https ports for that routing.

Since HTTP 1.1, user agents send the Host request header which specifies the domain. So you can get the domain (including the port if specified) from req.headers['host'] and apply your custom domain routing logic.

If you're talking with a HTTP 1.0 or older user agent, then just reply with "505 HTTP Version Not Supported" or serve some default content.

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