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Call controller or view (twig file) from self defined twig extension in smyfony2

i've got a problem in symfony2 at the moment and i don't know how i can solve it. Within a self defined new twig extension I want to call a controller or or a view (a twig file).

How is the correct way to realize this? Can you help me? I've read many symfony2 internet pages but i didn't found a good programming approach for me.

For better understanding why i want to do something like this, here is an exmaple what is my idea: I want to source out some html code into an separate view. This new view is embedded in another view by calling the twig extension.

So how can i realize this?

Thanxs for your help.

As you are using Symfony2, you can inject the templating service to your Twig extension and then call the ->render method.

The extension


namespace YourPackage\YourBundle\Twig\Extension;

use Symfony\Component\Templating\EngineInterface;

class Test_Extension extends \Twig_Extension

   protected $templating;

   public function __construct(EngineInterface $templating)
      $this->templating = $templating;

   public function getFunctions()
      return array(
              new \Twig_SimpleFunction('my_test', array($this->myTest()), array('is_safe' => array('html')))

   public function myTest()
      // do some stuffs
      $data = $this->templating->render("SomeBundle:Directory:file.html.twig");
      // ...
      return $data;

   public function getName()
      return 'test';



# src/YourPackage/YourBUndle/Resources/config/services.yml
        class: YourPackage\YourBundle\Twig\Extension\TestExtension
        arguments: ['@templating']
            - { name: twig.extension }

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