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Liferay JavaScript Function is not defined

I am new to liferay and I have been trying to do Ajax but my script does not load inside the browser. I also tested it by inserting a simple alert.

I've been getting the " function is not defined " error.

Below is my liferay aui script:

        alert('param: ' + param);
        var mask = A.one('#divToBeRefreshed').loadingmask;
        var dTime = new Date();
        var dynamicURL = '<%=resourceURL %>&t=' + dTime.getTime().toString();

        A.io.request(dynamicURL, {
            method: 'GET',
            cache: false,
            data : {
                param: param
            on: {
                success: function(event, id, obj) {
                    var response = this.get('responseData');
                fail: function(event, id, obj) {
);  </aui:script>

Is there something wrong in my script? what might be the problem? HELP!

Your script should be wrapped in

;(function(A, Liferay) {
<<your script>>

This will allow the use of A and Liferay . you can remove <aui:script>

在弹出标签中添加onclick =“ window.parent.MyFunctionInPageParents()”

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