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When using Facebook login, how do I skip the permissions page?

I need only the basic permissions "email", "public_profile","user_friends" and I need all of them for my app to work.

FB login takes the user to permissions page and he/she can just uncheck email and user_friends and I will have to handle it separately.

Yes, I do understand the trust equation here that has been discussed in a lot of questions on SO.But a lot of apps somehow circumvent this. eg Uber


Uber is probably using an old App created before end of April 2014. Those basic permissions where included back then. In newer Apps you can´t force a user to authorize all permissions, he will always be able to skip the extended ones.

One good way is to use the "return_scopes" flag of FB.login and check if the user accepted the neccessary permissions right after the authorized your App: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/FB.login/v2.2

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