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Nhibernate query to get the quantity count joining tables

I need an nhibernate query to get the quantity count . here's my entities. I have a master Inventory table and a Used Inventory table.

public Inventory { Id, Name, Type, ... }

public UsedInventory { Id, Inventory, Quantity, Date, .. }

I am looking for output that look like:

public ResultDTO { Inventory, TotalUsedQuantity }

please help. Thanks


session.Query<UsedInventory>().GroupBy(x => x.Inventory).Select(x => new ResultDTO { Inventory = x.Key, TotalUsedQuantity = x.Count() }).ToList();

In QueryOver:

ResultDTO dto = null;
var rrr = session.QueryOver<UsedInventory>().SelectList(list => list
.SelectGroup(m => m.Inventory).WithAlias(() => dto.Inventory)
.SelectCount(m => m.Id).WithAlias(() => dto.TotalUsedQuantity)).List<ResultDTO>();

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