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$(document).ready(function(){} jquery is getting called twice?

Im new to jquery..I have written a jquery function to process some form inputs. I see an strange issue that my $(document).ready(function(){} is getting called twice.

My form is;

       <div class="form-actions" id="saveButtons"> 
                    <button class="btn btn-primary" /><%=i18n.localize("save")%></button>
                    <%if(outputs.isPermitted){%><script> </script><a class="btn btn-info" id="publish_api" >Save & Publish</a>  <%}%>
                    <input type="reset" class="btn" value="<%=i18n.localize("cancel")%>" onclick="javascript:window.location.href='./'" />                                         

And the jquery is;


        $("body").on("api_saved", function(e){


I see above alert twice when i click save and publish button. This issue occurs if there any user error in filling the form. (That is, if user does not fill a MUST field and agin if he filled that entry and try to click the button) What would be the cause?

Edit; The "api-saved" event handler is called from a javascript like; (to validate all params in that form)

var v = $("#manage_form").validate({
        submitHandler: function(form) {
            return false;

            success:function(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) {
                if (!responseText.error) {                
                    $( "body" ).trigger( "api_saved" );       
                } else {


You're nesting event handler assignment, which is usually a bug. You've got:


which establishes a handler for the "click" event from an element. Inside that event handler is code that sets up another event handler:

    $("body").on("api_saved", function(e){
        alert("calling lifecycle jag");
        // ...

The reason that's likely to be a bug is that every call to .on() inside the "click" handler will attach a separate copy of that event handler. After clicking twice, there will be two identical handlers for the "api_saved" event. After clicking 5 times, there'll be 5 handlers, and so on. That happens because a call to .on() does not remove event handlers that are already registered.

Probably the right thing to do is move that event handler assignment (the one for "api_saved") out of the "click" handler.

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