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Error occured in saved zip file+using Ionic.Zip

I have many files and I want to add thems in to a new zipfile. I used this nameespace : using Ionic.Zip

here my codes:

 for (int i = 0; i < deliveryList.Count; i++)
                       // System.IO.MemoryStream st = new System.IO.MemoryStream(x.Data.Data);
                        zip.AddEntry(x.StudentObj.Number.ToString() + '.' + t[t.Length -1 ],x.Data.Data);
 zip.Save(Response.OutputStream); //"Archive.zip");

now when I open the saved zip file,this error occured:

C:\Users\Sara\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\D6IMASPE\TExamGrades.zip: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged

From the snippet I see, I assume that zip is a Ionic.Zip.ZipFile instance, if not please provide more information.

ZipFile.Save(Stream) writes to the stream, and again from what I can see from that snippet it appears that you're trying to write to a Response stream, instead of reading from it.

Please provide more info and I will try to help you further.

You should try Zipping from the path instead from a stream.

    Dim zip = New Ionic.Zip.ZipFile()

    Catch ex As Exception
        ZipDirectory = -1
    End Try

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