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Need help translating SOAPUI request into Ruby code using Savon gem

I'm working on a SOAP API which has two operations, and each operation requires API keys and bunch of other attributes. So, I've been able to make request via SOAPUI, but I'm having trouble translating that into ruby code using savon gem(Version 2).

Here's a screenshot of searchTours request.


Now, how do I tranlate it into ruby code using Savon? I tried following, but it didn't work.

client = Savon.client(wsdl: 'url goes here..')

client.operations #=> [:tour_details_full, :search_records]

message = {security_key: "SECURITYKEYS", attributes_one: "ValueOne", attribute_two: IntegerValue}

response = client.call(:search_records, message: message)

Error message:

Savon::SOAPFault: (S:Client) Cannot find dispatch method for {url_here} SearchRecords

You have to do something like this:

class SearchTours
  extend Savon::Model
  client wsdl: 'your url',
    namespaces: {
      'xmlns:soapenv' => 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/',
      ...#your namespacecs

  operations :tour_details_full, :search_records

  def self.tour_details_full
    builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new()#describe your request params
    super message: builder

  def self.search_records
    builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new()#describe your request params
    super message: builder


#then you can call
SearchTours.search_records #=> []

also you can user this online tool to checkout your wsdl service or request

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