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How can I prevent child click event bubbling to parent?

I'm new to Backbone and here is my situation:

I've a table and I want each rows get highlighted when they are clicked. Each cells also contain some hyperlinks. The problem is when I try to click on the links, the cell get highlighted also, which is not what I want. I can find a workaround, which is to bind a 'click' event to all the hyperlinks (refer to the 'dummy' function below) and then use e.stopPropagagtion(). That works, but it seems that it's not a clean way to do so, any recommendations? Thanks!


Here is my table row view

app.UserRowView = Backbone.View.extend({
  el: '',
  template: twig({ data: $("#jsid-table-row").html() }),
  model: null,
  events: {
    'click' : 'rowClicked',
    'click a': 'dummy',
  initialize: function(user) {
    this.model = user;
    this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);
  render: function() {
    var html = this.template.render({ user: this.model.toJSON() });
    return this;
  rowClicked: function(e) {
  dummy: function(e) {

And my table row template:

    <td class="badge-cell"><input type="checkbox"></input></td>
    <td class="badge-cell">
      <div>{{ user.name }}</div>
      <a href="javascript:void(0)">Link 1</a>
    <td class="badge-cell">
      {{ user.age }}
      <a href="http://google.com.hk">Link 2</a>



 rowClicked: function(e) { console.log(e.currentTarget); if($(e.target).is("a") { this.dummy() } else { this.$el.toggleClass('row-selected'); } }, 

And delete "'click a': 'dummy'" part . I think it will be working

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