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Is it possible to block Android Wear devices from installing the app?

My app is really not ready to be installed and used on Android Wear (really small screens - smart watches), yet some users installed it. I know this because I've tested it on an emulator, and it doesn't look good at all.

I do not want users to get frustrated that they found an app that they can run there, yet when they install it, it doesn't work well.

Is it possible to block Android-wear devices from installing apps? If so, how?

Now that I think about it, how does Android-Wear devices even install apps?

I think the devices you are talking about are not Android Ware, but very small straight Android devices. You can find those by searching 'android watch' in any shopping site selling Chinese devices.

You can limit the screen sizes you app runs on by using <compatible-screens> tag but documentation suggests not to.

Removing small from the list of compatible screens will prohibit the app from begin installed on devices with screens smaller then about 3 inches. You can also consider using <supports-screens> tag described here to enable compatibility mode on those devices

只需从手持设备端的渐变构建脚本(与WearProject的行)中删除Wear依赖关系,并且在Android设备上安装了Wear App后,手持设备应用程序就不会尝试打包/安装Wear App。

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