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IE8 LI + LI selector not working

I read one another post that the following should work in ie8, as a good alternative to using nth-child


ul > li + li{

ul > li + li + li{

ul > li + li + li + li{


  <li>item 1</li>
  <li>item 2</li>
  <li>item 3</li>
  <li>item 4</li>

However I can't get it to work. I tried the exact same code in a plain html file. And also can't get it to work on a fully developed website. I used ie8 development tools to debug it but the development tools is not picking up the "+" selector which is (apparently) supported.

I tried adding to to codepen and jsfiddle to show you a sample, but those two tools won't work in ie8.


Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

===== UPDATE ======

As it turns out, there was something wrong with my code. On the sample I used the doctype wasn't correct, and on the fully developed website the ie only if statement was incorrect. Once I fixed those two items the code worked as expected. Thank you for all who helped me get to that conclusion.

The following works in IE8 on Windows XP:

ul > li:first-child {

ul > li:first-child + li {

ul > li:first-child + li + li {

Make sure that you specify a doctype in order for this to work:

<!DOCTYPE html>

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/cc848865%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

According to the doc adjacent sibling selectors will work in all version of Internet Explorer from 7++.


Internet Explorer 7 doesn't update the style correctly when an element is dynamically placed before an element that matched the selector.

In Internet Explorer 8 , if an element is inserted dynamically by clicking on a link the first-child style isn't applied until the link loses focus.

In this case use jquery instead of css. Then it would run all version browser like ie8.


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