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Set default home page in JavaScript


As some people have already answered, it used to be possible in internet explorer (prior to IE 7 I believe, could be wrong though) using something similar to


I don't think any browser supports it anymore though. However, I would definitely try to convince you to do otherwise. Most people won't like having their settings automatically changed, even if it's triggered by a mouse click or other action. It's also quite likely that overzealous 'protection' programs will jump all over it and stamp it as a malicious attack.

As far as I know it's just possible in Internet Explorer

Make my Page your
<a href="javascript:history.go(0)" onClick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';

I assume you mean put a link in your page to make it the browser homepage? In IE you can do something like:


I don't think that works in Firefox though.

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