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Symfony 2 form builder custom options available in twig

I would like to do something like this:

$builder->add('firstname', 'text', array(
                    'myCustomOption' => 'optionValue'

so I can use myCustomOption in myForm.html.twig like this:

{% block form_row -%}
    {{ myCustomOption }}
{%- endblock form_row %}

But in this case I get:

The option "myCustomOption" does not exist. Known options are: [..]

This is the answer: Type Extension

It allow to extend desired form type email/phone/checkbox or group text/entity/choice or even all available form . (Remember that one element can contain few types. For example input email will be type of form, text, email )

Just create extension class:

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractTypeExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormView;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;

class TextTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension {

    public function getExtendedType() {
        return 'form'; // What type should be extended

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) {
        // Add optional option - you can also add required options
        // and available values of this option

     public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) {
        // You can put any logic here
        // For example 'myOption' => 'big' can be transformed to 
        // 'myOption' => '300px'
        if (array_key_exists('myOption', $options)) {
            // Add your option to twig template
            $view->vars['myOption'] = $options['myOption'];


add class as service:

        class: Acme\DemoBundle\Form\Extension\TextTypeExtension
            - { name: form.type_extension, alias: form }

and now you can do:

$builder->add('MyInput', 'text', array('myOption' => array('whateverYouNeed')));

Source: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/form/create_form_type_extension.html

Try something like this:

class MyTextType extends AbstractType

    public function getParent()
        return 'text';

    public function getName()
        return 'my_text';


    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
                'myOption' => null


service definition:

    class: Acme\DemoBundle\Form\Type\MyTextType
        - { name: form.type, alias: my_text }


$builder->add('someName', 'my_text', ['myOption' => $value])

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