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How to redefine constructor of standard function in JS?

So, I want redefine constructor of HTMLButtonElement with input args. I know how to do this without args:

var CButtonPrototype = Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype);
CButtonPrototype.createdCallback = function()
  this.setAttribute("class", "some class");
  this.value = 0;
  this.innerHTML = "some text";

var CButton = document.registerElement('cbutton', {
  prototype: CButtonPrototype

var myButton = new CButton();

And it's works, but I want use this class something like var myButton = new CButton(arg 1, arg 2, etc); . This method don't let me doing CButtonPrototype.createdCallback = function(arg 1, arg2) . How can I resolve this? Maybe you know another way?

Thanks \\o/

if you need to extend this type, please consider the following:

CButton.prototype.test = function()

CButton.prototype.test2 = function(num, str, bool)
    console.log(num + ' ' + str + ' ' + bool);

myButton.test(20, 'hello', true); //call test function with parameters
myButton.test2(20, 'hello', true); // still the same

about your original question:

you can't insert parameters because this "function" is only a delegate to a system function... in your case - an object c'tor.

to test it you can try arguments - a special array inside every function in js that represents the arguments of the function:

var CButtonPrototype = Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype);
CButtonPrototype.createdCallback = function()
  console.log(arguments); // print arguments to the console screen
  this.setAttribute("class", "some class");
  this.value = 0;
  this.innerHTML = "some text";

var CButton = document.registerElement('cbutton', {
  prototype: CButtonPrototype

var myButton = new CButton();

run this code - you will see an empty array - mainly because your c'tor call 'new CButton()' has no arguments. try to insert arguments and you will get an error.

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