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Pass a row ID from one section of the Page to another

I would like to pass an row ID from one section of the page to another in the following way: 在此处输入图片说明

The user will click on the trash can and a delete confirmation message will come up. The following code shows how I retrieve the list from the database:

<?php while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_set)) { ?>

  <td><?php echo $row['cover_name'] ?></td>
  <td><?php echo 'R '.$row['sum_insured'] ?></td>
  <td><?php echo $row['info'] ?></td>
      <a href="cover-type.php?id=<?php echo $row['coverid']?>"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></a>
      <a href="#myModal" onclick="<?php $coverid = $row['coverid'] ?>" role="button" data-toggle="modal"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a><!-- This is the link for the trash can to pass the id -->
<?php } ?>

After clicking on the following <a href="#myModal" onclick="<?php $coverid = $row['coverid'] ?>" role="button" data-toggle="modal"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a><!-- This is the link for the trash can to pass the id -->

The following pop will come up:

在此处输入图片说明 and it has the following code:

    <div class="modal small fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header">
            <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
            <h3 id="myModalLabel">Delete Confirmation</h3>
        <div class="modal-body">
            <p class="error-text"><i class="fa fa-warning modal-icon"></i>Are you sure you want to delete the cover?<br>This cannot be undone.</p>
        <div class="modal-footer">
            <button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Cancel</button>
            <a href="delete-cover.php?id=<?php echo $coverid ?>" class="btn btn-danger"  >Delete</a><!-- I would like to pass the id from that trash can button this the delete button -->

I would like to pass the id from the trash can link to the delete button that pops up. Any assistance will be appreciated

This is surely not good:

onclick="<?php $coverid = $row['coverid'] ?>"

It should be somethig like that:

onclick="jsfunctionname(<?php echo $row['coverid'];?>);"

Or if you use jQuery on selector, then add a data-id="<?php echo $row['coverid'];?>" to the link, and get like $(this).data('id');

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