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Javascript function hoisting inside of if statements

What's the deal with javascript function hoisting inside of if statements? Does js just not do it? The following code, when run in a browser works just fine. It will alert "hey" after two seconds.

function hey(){

But add a trival if statement around this:


function hey(){

and suddenly it complains that hey is not defined .
Now if you change the callback from hey to function(){hey()} , like this:


function hey(){

then it starts working again, even with the if statement. So what's going on?

Firefox doesn't hoist function declarations in blocks , apparently. The behavior you're seeing is specific to Firefox, and documented nearly identically elsewhere.

To paraphrase:


 if ( hasRequiredJQueryVersion ) { // Test data here // Library code here } 

Works everywhere except Firefox:

 if ( true ) { testFunction(); function testFunction() { alert('testFunction called'); } } 

This is behavior you should avoid, as it is specific to Firefox, even though Firefox's behavior may technically be correct.

The third example is consistent w/ the second: setTimeout isn't actually calling hey , so doesn't care that it hasn't been defined. It is only when the timeout occurs that hey is called, by which point is has been defined.

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