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rspec capybara selector rails 4

I am trying to write an rspec test that will;

  • visit the store page
  • select a value in the Countries select box
  • and test that the value exists (initially in the Countries box but I would also be testing for cities which is dependent on Country in the second test)

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          <label for="catalogue_country">Country</label>
          <select id="countries_select" name="catalogue[country_id]"><option selected="selected" value="1">France</option>
<option value="2">Italy</option>
<option value="3">United Kingdom</option></select>

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      <pre class="debug_dump">--- !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
controller: store
action: index



My test

require 'spec_helper'

describe "index" do

  subject { page }

  before do

    visit store_path

    select "United Kingdom", :from => "catalogue[country_id]"


  it { should have_select('country_id', :selected => 'United Kingdom') }


The failures


1) index Failure/Error: visit store_path NoMethodError: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass

The rails console [app.store_path] verifies that store_path is '/store'

The select boxes are dynamically populated according to the directions in this blog posting

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance

There are the routes

  match '/store', to: 'store#index', as: :store, via: 'get'

  get 'store/show'

  match 'store/update_cities', to: 'store#update_cities',  as: :update_cities, via: 'get'

  match 'store/update_currencies', to: 'store#update_currencies',  as: :update_currencies, via: 'get'

Its one index page (store_path) which has a countries select box.

This is the store controller

  def index

    @countries = Country.all

    @cities = City.where("country_id = ?", Country.first.id)

    @currencies = Currency.where("country_id = ?", Country.first.id)

    @locations = Location.where("city_id = ?", Location.first.id)

    @products = Product.where("Location_id = ?", Product.first.id)

    @plugs = Plug.where("Location_id = ?", Plug.first.id)


  def show

  def update_cities

    @cities = City.where("country_id = ?", params[:country_id])

    respond_to do |format|



Are you trying to visit a specific store, or listing all the stores ?

in your case you are trying to visit a specific store which you need to pass a parameter for it in this case the store id

To know the exact path write in the console:

rake routes

you will find each path to its url, if you want to list all the stores you need to write:


instead of:


store_path is /store/:id

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