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MAMP Pro 2.2 not reading httpd.conf changes

I'm using MAMP Pro Version 2.2. When I make changes the my httpd.conf file, those changes are not reflected in the httpd.conf file generated by MAMP PRO when I restart its servers.

Through Terminal, I've confirmed that the httpd.conf file MAMP PRO is reading from is /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf. When I make changes to that file, they are not reflected in the generated httpd.conf file that Apache reads from (located at /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/conf/httpd.conf.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why my changes are not being read in the generated httpd.conf file. Anybody ever run into this issue?

From the MAMP pro knowledge base:

Q: Changes to my php.ini file and/or my httpd.conf file are not showing up when I restart MAMP PRO.

A: You must edit the httpd.conf, php.ini and my.cnf files through the Template Editor provided by MAMP PRO. Go to File->Edit Template to edit template files.


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