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Html tag with id attribute

I was wondering what html tag that suppport id attribute either than <p> tag because i want to change the tag by javascript but i dont want it to be appear in paragraph. This all what ive been trying

<!DOCTYPE html>
    Name : <p id="user">user1</p>

but the result is

Name :

what I want is

Name : Arvin

thanks for spending your time to read this..any help will much appreciated

Every tag supports id . In your case, <span> would work well.

 Name : <span id="user">user1</span> 

This code goes wrong because paragraph are shown into a new line (by browser). This code put text in two lines (without your Javascript)

    Name : <p id="user">user1</p>

You maybe shoud better do this:

      <p>Name : <span id="user">user1</span></p>


See running example here:

I cannot think of any tag that wouldn't support the id attribute, neither can the HTML5 spec :

3.2.5 Global attributes

The following attributes are common to and may be specified on all HTML elements (even those not defined in this specification): ... id ...

Try adding display: inline style in <p> tag and your problem is solved. You can use id calling on any tag though.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    Name : <p id="user" style="display:inline;">user1</p>

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