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how to change auto layout constraints after add

I know to change auto layout constraints with IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint * xyz;

I am doing with this code:

Add constraints with this code

NSLayoutConstraint *btnbottomConstraint = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem: currentview attribute:NSLayoutAttributeHeight relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:nil attribute:NSLayoutAttributeHeight multiplier:1.0f constant:sheight];
        [supperView addConstraint:btnbottomConstraint];

Get constraints with this code

NSArray * arrConstarint=btnSubbmit.constraints;
for (NSLayoutConstraint * constraint in arrConstarint)
    if (constraint.firstAttribute==NSLayoutAttributeHeight)
    else if (constraint.firstAttribute==NSLayoutAttributeWidth)

when i get constraints of view then arrConstarint.count is 0, please help me where i wrong.Thanks in advance.


[supperView addConstraint:btnbottomConstraint];


[currentView addConstraint:btnbottomConstraint];

height and width will be added to view not with respect to superview. Let me know if it you need further help

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