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ansible mysql configuration in one file for ubuntu 14.04

I'm trying to write a single page ansible script for mysql installation and setup a new user and create a empty DB. what I've tried so far -

hosts file

webapp ansible_ssh_host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

mysql.yml (The single file for all tasks/vars/handelers) (both hosts and mysql.yml in same directory) and I can login in remote system using ssh

- hosts: mysql
    - system_packages:
          - build-essential
          - python-dev
          - python-pip
          - libmysqlclient-dev
          - mysql-server
          - python-mysqldb

    - root_password: root

    - name: Install MySQL
      apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed update-cache=yes
      with_items: system_packages
        - setup

    - name: Start MySQL service
      action: service name=mysql state=started enabled=yes 

    - name: Update mysql password for root account
      mysql_user: name=root host={{ item }} password={{root_password}}
            -   #In case of distributed system how should I place Ip addr of this system
            - localhost

    - name: create db 'mydb'
      action: mysql_db db=mydb state=present       

    - name: Creates database user 'eric' with password 'eric' for 'mydb' and grant all priveleges
      action: mysql_user state=present name=eric password=eric priv=mydb.*:ALL

    - name: start mysql
      service: name=mysql state=started

when I run this script I get this output(+error)

failed: [webapp] => (item= => {"failed": true, "item": ""}
msg: unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or ~/.my.cnf has the credentials

You can't connect to mysql server before you will set root password. To do this use the following:

- name: Set password for root user
    mysqladmin password "{{ root_password }}" -u root

After a default installation on ubuntu, you only can login to your mysql as root with password "root". So to change your password you will have to set your mysql login user to root (as you did in the next task)

- name: Update mysql password for root account
    name=root host={{ item }} 
  sudo: yes
  sudo_user: root

There is also a ready-to-go solution in ansible galaxy

Please add this task inside your task/main.yml

- name: Copy the root credentials as .my.cnf file
   template: src=root.cnf.j2 dest=~/.my.cnf mode=0600

and this will be your root.cnf.j2

password={{ root_password }}

What it will do is, to connect the mysql from the root user without password and perform these task. You can remove it after running all the task or leave it like this because it is under root and have tight permission.

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