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Append increasing number on click

I'm trying to append an increasing number to elements on click. I can't seem to make it work.

My code:

$('#on').click(function() {
    $("b").click(function(e) {
        var numCount = ($("[span class='num'>").length + 1);
        var element = $("<span class='num'>" + numCount + "'>" + numCount + "</span>");

I think It's a simple syntax error in my code, but I'm learning here so I could be completely wrong. It's important for the class to be added too.


var numCount = ($("[span class='num'>").length + 1);


var numCount = ($(".num").length + 1);

You need to find .num elements, not create new ones.

In addition, your element line doesn't create valid HTML either. Try the following:

var element = $("<span class='num'>" + numCount + "</span>");

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