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can't deploy the project with capistrano

I have a ruby on rails project to be deployed with capistrano. Basically I could deploy it with the following code.

cap production deploy

But it gives me the following failure message.

** Invoke staging (first_time)
** Execute staging
** Invoke load:defaults (first_time)
** Execute load:defaults
cap aborted!
Capfile locked at 3.2.1, but 3.3.3 is loaded

I can not find anything on this exception. Do you know what is the real problem. BTW bundle update does not work.

See your config/deploy.rb if there is something such as lock '3.2.1' . Because if your Gemfile has gem capistrano, '~>3.2.1' , it will be updated to 3.3.3 but it is locked on deploy.rb . Even using lock '>=3.2.1' i am still having problem with .capistrano/metrics in version 3.3.3.

I added gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.2.1' to Gemfile. After $ bundle update the problem fixed.

Uninstall version 3.3.3 and install 3.2.1 will solve your problem.

1: sudo gem uninstall capistrano

 select the version you want to uninstall(3.3.3 in your case)

bundle exec cap production deploy


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