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How to mention a user in MantisBT note

How can I mention MantisBT users in a comment?

I know…

  • #42 references the issue with id = 42.
  • ~42 references the comment with id = 42; it also links to the issue which this comment was made on

How do I link users?

As of MantisBT 1.3.0-rc.2 and on MantisHub user mentions are supported in much better way than using reminders. You can @ mention any user via their username. For example, @johnsmith.

Here are some aspects to take into consideration:

  • Users are @ mentioned via username and not real name.
  • Usernames can't use email address or spaces, otherwise @ mentions won't work.
  • Mentions are supported when adding an issue (summary, description, steps to reproduce, and additional information) or a note. It is not supported on updating such fields.
  • Users that are mentioned get a dedicated email notifications about being mentioned.
  • Users won't receive the email notification if they don't have access to the issue or note that they are mentioned from.
  • Users that are mentioned won't receive future notifications about the issue, just because they were mentioned. They are also not added to the monitor list for the issue.
  • Mentions are hyperlinked to the user profile page.

You can find more information about it on the MantisHub Blog post .

This isn't exactly a mention, but you can send a reminder to an user using the 'Send a reminder link' which is located in the view task page.

MantisBT  - 发送提醒

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