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Can't select item with jQuery .select2

I'm new to jQuery and Javascript so maybe someone can help me out? I used .select2 to get this result but I'm not able to select and item. Here is the code


        placeholder: "Search for a name",
        minimumInputLength: 3,
        ajax: {
            url: "/api/machineparkcustomers/getnamescontaining",
            dataType: 'json',
            quietMillis: 250,
            data: function (term, page) {
                return {
                    query: term,
            results: function (data, page) {
                return {
                    results: data
            cache: true
        formatResult: function (state) {
            return state;



<input type="text" id="namesCombobox" class="col-sm-12" />

You don't show what the data looks like that your ajax request returns, but judging by your formatSelection function and the behavior you are experiencing, I am guessing that the data is an array of strings. What it should be is an array of objects, where each object has an id property and a text property.

This jsfiddle shows the problem.

Try changing the ajax results function to this:

results: function(data) {
    return { results: $.map(data, function(state) {
        return { id: state, text: state }
    }) };

You will also have to remove the formatResult function.


Found this question while searching for a solution to a similar problem The accepted answer is great, but not my issue.

Select2 provides a callback "id" function that it will invoke to determine the ID you'd like to use for each result in the data. For my case my "id" function was not correct.

        minimumInputLength: 12,
        query: this.search.bind(self),
        id: function (clinicianDto) { return clinicianDto.id(); },
        formatResult: function (clinicianDto: any) {                
            return "<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12' >" + clinicianDto.firstName() + ' ' + clinicianDto.lastName() + "</div></div>";                
        formatSelection: function (clinicianDto: any) {
            return clinicianDto.firstName() + ' ' + clinicianDto.lastName();
        initSelection: function (element, callback) {
            if (self.selectedClinician) {

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