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AngularJS, RequireJS and Vanilla Javascript Functions


function width(){

If I have a function - like the one above.

I don't want to add it into each controller in an AngularJS application but because I'm using RequireJS too I want the function to flow through the app without having to repeatedly add that snippet of code or any reference to that snippet on each controller.

Would there be a way to add it into the application when bootstrapped?

At the moment I have the following layout.


requirejs([ 'vendors/jquery.min',
       ], function ($, angular, app, _) {
           angular.element(document).ready(function () {
               angular.bootstrap(document, ['App']);
               document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].dataset.ngApp = 'App';



define([], function() {

    var Ctrl = function( $scope, $timeout, $http, $routeParams, $rootScope) {
    return Ctrl

At the moment the application returns width is not defined - is there anyway I can get each function I may add into default-functions.js to get defined without adding each into each controller like you would with a Service .

What you want to do is considered a bad practice. Having those generic functions defined in the global namespace is not a good idea and defeats the purpose of Dependency Injection. Doing that would make your code much more difficult to test and maintain.

I suggest that you create a Utils service like this:

app.service('utils', function(){
 return {
    width: function(){ /*do something here*/ },
    anotherUtilFunction:  function(){ /* do something else here*/ }
    /*as many more functions as you want here*/

And then in your controller just do this:

var Ctrl = function( $scope, $timeout, $http, $routeParams, $rootScope, utils) {

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