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How to parse values from text in a cell and place values into other cells

I have a cell with the below text in column N2.

71sdfsdf 2230400DATE of join 1997-06-03PROGRAMME : ACCES PLUSNew Value 534.55Right value 534.55Clear Value 308.50

I need the number after New Value that is 534.55 in this case to be saved in column O2, The value next to Right Value that is 534.55 again in column P2 and if Clear Value is present then the value next to it that is 308.50 to be saved in Q2.

Clear value won't always be included.

Can we write a macro for this? I have used InStr to get the value if present in the cell but I am not aware how the cursor position in macro works.

If you're already using the InStr function then all you have to do is plop the value you extracted into the cell you want:

Public Sub YourMethod()

    Dim s As String
    s = "71sdfsdf 2230400DATE of join 1997-06-03PROGRAMME : ACCES PLUSNew Value 534.55Right value 534.56Clear Value 308.50"

    Const NEW_VALUE = "New Value"
    Const RIGHT_VALUE = "Right value"
    Const CLEAR_VALUE = "Clear Value"

    Dim posNewValue As Integer
    posNewValue = InStr(1, s, NEW_VALUE, VbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare)

    Dim posRightValue As Integer
    posRightValue = InStr(posNewValue, s, RIGHT_VALUE, VbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare)

    Dim posClearValue As Integer
    posClearValue = InStr(posRightValue, s, CLEAR_VALUE, VbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare)

    Dim newValue As String
    posNewValue = posNewValue + Len(NEW_VALUE)
    newValue = Mid$(s, posNewValue, posRightValue - posNewValue)

    Dim rightValue As String
    Dim clearValue As String
    posRightValue = posRightValue + Len(RIGHT_VALUE)
    If posClearValue > 0 Then
        rightValue = Mid$(s, posRightValue, posClearValue - posRightValue)
        posClearValue = posClearValue + Len(CLEAR_VALUE)
        clearValue = Mid$(s, posClearValue)
        rightValue = Mid$(s, posRightValue)
    End If

    Sheets("Sheet1").Range("O2").Value = newValue
    Sheets("Sheet1").Range("P2").Value = rightValue
    Sheets("Sheet1").Range("Q2").Value = clearValue

End Sub

If lenght of numbers is consant you can use something like this:

For i = MyStart To MyLimit 'rows of the range of interest
    If InStr(1, "New Value ", Range("N" & i).Value) <> 0 Then _
        Range("O" & i).Value = Mid(Range("N" & i).Value, InStr(1, "New Value ", Range("N" & i).Value), 6)
    If InStr(1, "Right Value ", Range("N" & i).Value) <> 0 Then _
        Range("P" & i).Value = Mid(Range("N" & i).Value, InStr(1, "Right Value ", Range("N" & i).Value), 6)
    If InStr(1, "Clear Value ", Range("N" & i).Value) <> 0 Then _
        Range("Q" & i).Value = Mid(Range("N" & i).Value, InStr(1, "Clear Value ", Range("N" & i).Value), 6)
Next i

Pay attention to the presence or not of spaces (I suppose they were present)

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