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Adding a new row on pandas?

Why I couldn't add a new row on pandas ?

data="""lname    fname   rno_cd    eri_cd
0    CRUISE   TOM     E         1
1    DEPP     JOHNNY  Y         0
2    DICAPR   LENARDO Nan       1
3    PITT     BRAD    Nan       1
4    MOST     JEFF    A         0
5    HANKS    TOM     Nan       1
6    BRANDO   MARLON  C         1
7    WILLIAMS ROBIN   F         1
8    DOWNEY   ROBERT  B         1
9    PACINO   AL      E         1"""

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

df= pd.read_csv(StringIO(data.decode('UTF-8')),delim_whitespace=True )

df.loc[-1]= ['2','3','4','4']

I am getting an error whenever I try to excute the code.

I tried also:


Try .iloc attribute:

df.iloc[-1] = []

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