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Batch does not recognize echo

Well I got this errormessage when I load my bacth and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

 C:\\Windows\\system32>´╗┐@echo off ´╗┐@echo gjenkjennes ikke som en intern eller ekstern kommando, kjørbart program eller satsvis fil. 

It says "command not recognize"

And here is a sample of my code

@echo off
PING www.vg.no>nul
if errorlevel 1 goto nonet
if errorlevel 0 goto gotnet
goto END
echo == Maskinen er ikke tilkoblet wlan.Dette programet krever nett og vil derfor avsluttes. 
timeout 5>null

echo == Maskinen er tilkoblet nett. 
PING ping>nul

if errorlevel 0 goto gotlocal
if errorlevel 1 goto nolocal

echo == Skript finner ikke server. Program avsluttes.
timeout 5>nul

@echo [WLAN CHECK][:)                      ]
@timeout 1 >nul
@echo [WLAN CHECK][::)                     ]`

It seems that you saved yor batch file with a UTF8 BOM (EF BB BF).
Open it with a text editor and save it as ANSI-Text file

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