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get comments of post on facebook in php via graph

i want to get facebook comments on public post via graph.facebook i want to get the name, the content and the id of the commenter example of the graph


mycode so far

   $data = file_get_contents('http://graph.facebook.com/comments/?ids=391265991032089');
   $json = $data;
    $obj = json_decode($json);
    $comm_no = $obj->391265991032089->{'data'};

wich gives me

array(25) {
 object(stdClass)#437 (7) {
  string(31) "337379989797698_337380613130969"
  object(stdClass)#433 (2) {
  string(15) "100002978598053"
    string(28) "Àñä Båñòtá Bãskõtã"
  string(38) "سقفه لاخوكو ابو جبل :D"
     string(24) "2014-12-15T18:58:24+0000"

how to stip it down to just show only name , message and id

isearched alot and didnt find any thing

If there is more than an answer then use the following code:

   $data = file_get_contents('http://graph.facebook.com/comments/?ids=391265991032089');
   $json = $data;
    $obj = json_decode($json);
    $comm_no = $obj->391265991032089->{'data'};
    foreach($comm_no as $answer_id => $v) {
    echo $v->from->id . '<br />';
    echo $v->from->name. '<br />';
    echo $v->message. '<br />';

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