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Checkboxs disabled with jquery not working as intended

i have some checkboxes that are displayed by doing a select in database that represents tables of a restaurant. Those tables that are already reserved i add them an disabled attribute. The problem with my script is that i only want to select three tables max and that means i need to add disabled atribute to the other to block them. and when i want to deselect those 3 already selected i need to remove the disabled attribute. Problem is that it removes the attribute from all tables even those that are reserved and selected from database.

Here is my script:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      var $checks = $(".table").change(function () {
      if ($checks.filter(":checked").length<3)
        $checks.not(":checked").attr("disabled", "disabled");



Added a class .ignore to the input disabled from start and in js binding change event only to checkboxes without the ignore class as mentioned by @lolka_bolka


<input type="checkbox" class="bowling ignore" disabled/>
<input type="checkbox" class="bowling ignore" disabled/>
<input type="checkbox" class="bowling"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="bowling"/>


var $checks = $(".bowling:not(.ignore)").change(function () {
    if ($checks.filter(":checked").length < 3) {
        $(".formular").toggle($checks.filter(":checked").length > 0);
    } else {
        $checks.not(":checked").attr("disabled", "disabled");


:not(foo){} will match anything that isn't foo, including html and body. Source


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