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Unable to run app in Simulator with Xcode

I keep trying to run an app through Xcode 6.1.1 but whenever I try it, iOS Simulator opens up to a black box, and then when I quit it I get the error:

Unable to run app in Simulator
An error was encountered while running (Domain = com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError, Code = 146)

The part that is annoying is that I haven't changed any of the code after creating a new project (using a single view application). The only things I've changed are some of the settings and pictures in Main.storyboard. (These changes were just adding images to the view controller).

I've tried restarting, resetting the content and settings, and cleaning in Xcode. Any ideas on what I should do?

Per this answer , try the following Xcode menu items (under Product):

  1. Clean

  2. Clean build folder

You can also go to Help and start typing "Clean" in the search bar.

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