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Issue While Getting innerHTML Text Using JavaScript

In the following code I am extracting the innerHTML text of the html element.

    return a.text.replace(/\u00A0/g," ");
    return this.getSelectBoxText(a,!1);
    return a.innerText||a.textContent||"";
var b=a.innerHTML;
return!b||-1==b.indexOf("\x3cbr")&&-1==b.indexOf("\x3cBR")?a.textContent:document.createElement?  (b=document.createElement(a.tagName),b.innerHTML=a.innerHTML.replace(/<br[\/]*>/ig," "),b.textContent):a.textContent

above code return the correct innerHTML text for all HTML element. There is an issue when any HTML element contain text with special character code eg
<a id="oopID1" href="...">OOP &ndash; Java</a> <a id="oopID1" href="...">OOP &ndash; Java</a> [in page is show " OOP - Java "].

then it does not return the actual rendered text (mean "OOP - Java").

How could I get the actual value which is getting displayed in the page.

Thanks in advance.

[NOTE : I don't want to use jQuery.]

Use textContent to retrieve the text content of your element:


see fiddle HERE

Useful links:

textContent documentation

innerHTML documentation

innerText vs innerHTML


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