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Grails security filter all action but except one

I'm gonna create a security filter for my project. I check if !session.user then redirect to action error . Here is my current code:

all(controller: 'accounting|installation|installer|sales|service|serviceOrder|document', action: '*') {
            before = {
                if (!session.user) {
                    redirect(controller: 'installation', action: 'errors')
                    return false
            after = { Map model ->

            afterView = { Exception e ->


However the point is that session.user being created in controller 'installation' and action 'index' . So how can I filter without index action ? Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.

You can use invert:true eg

def filters = {
    allExceptIndex(controller:"installation",action:"index",invert:true) {
        before = {
        after = { Map model ->
        afterView = { Exception e ->

For further reference see Blog

Try this

all(controller: 'accounting|installation|installer|sales|service|serviceOrder|document', action: '*') {
        before = {
         if (!(controllerName == 'installation' && actionName == 'index')) {
            if (!session.user) {
                redirect(controller: 'installation', action: 'errors')
                return false
        after = { Map model ->

        afterView = { Exception e ->


Hope I have understood your question ,Since you want to exclude action index then ,try this ..

all(controller: 'accounting|installation|installer|sales|service|serviceOrder|document', action: '*',actionExclude:'index'){....


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